Essential Math Weblog Thoughts on math for games


Updates and 2012 Tutorial Followup

Filed under: General,Tutorial — Jim @ 11:04 am

So it’s been a while since I checked comments — it appears that email forwarding got broken at some point — and I see my last post had a large number of comments regarding errata. I believe the commenter also sent me a tweet about them as well, so no real excuses there. And it probably didn’t help that the site went down for a couple weeks. In any case, I’ll take a look today and address those.

As far as this year’s tutorials, I believe it was a success. There was a lot of interest after each presentation, and while it’s hard to judge based on just that (a bit of selection bias there), most people seemed to like what they heard. I will, this week, be putting up the latest slides for this year, as well as the missing ones from previous years.

One thing I’d like to do, now that I have some free time, is post some more on this blog. My presentation this year was a revamp of an orientation representation/quaternion talk I’ve given in past years, with a new section on 2D rotations. So I’m thinking I might do a series of posts expanding on complex numbers as a method for 2D rotation. I’m thinking it might be possible to store the cosine of the half angle and do some interesting things with that, as the sine of the half angle is always implied (when using half angles, you can stay within the upper semicircle and assume the sine is always positive sqrt(1 – cos^2(theta/2)). We’ll see how that goes.

An alternative is a series on the math behind Robin Green’s talk this year — though to keep off of his toes it might be a series on the math you need to know in order to understand Robin Green’s talk.

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